New York City Ridesharing Accidents

Uber and Lyft are everywhere in New York City, fast pushing out the famous yellow taxis. While ridesharing is convenient for locals and tourists trying to get around the Big Apple, it’s not without risks. According to the MIT Technology Review, the rise of ridesharing services not only contributes to congestion but also increases traffic deaths.

If you find yourself in an accident with a rideshare vehicle, the process of getting compensation can be confusing and frustrating. You may need a powerful advocate to try to protect your rights and fight for a fair settlement.

A New York City ridesharing accident lawyer is familiar with the unique challenges of ridesharing accidents and can try to help you recover damages such as medical expenses, wage loss, pain and suffering, and more. Clarify your next best steps and contact Panzer Law, P.A. now for a free case review.

How to Try to Protect Your Rights in a New York City Rideshare Accident

As with all motor vehicle crashes, your actions at the accident scene and in the days afterward could help safeguard your legal rights and health.

  1. Check for injuries: If you or anyone else is involved in a crash, whether hurt or not, dial 911 to call police and, if injured, medical help.
  2. Exchange contact information: Ask all involved drivers for their contact details and insurance information.
  3. Gather evidence: If possible, take photos and videos of the accident scene, including vehicle damage and injuries. Ask eyewitnesses for their contact details.
  4. Don’t discuss the accident: At the crash scene, avoid saying anything that could be misinterpreted as admitting fault.
  5. Contact your insurance company: Promptly advise your car insurer that you were involved in an accident.
  6. Seek medical attention: Even if you feel fine after a crash, see a doctor to check for underlying injuries, such as whiplash or concussion.
  7. Contact a New York City ridesharing accident lawyer: Since claims against ridesharing drivers and companies can be challenging, seek legal advice if you suffer significant injuries.

Rideshare Accident Injuries

Low-speed accidents and “fender benders” can be common in New York City’s stop-and-go traffic. However, accidents with ridesharing vehicles can sometimes be more serious and leave victims with catastrophic and permanent injuries. Severe injuries in crashes can include:

  • Spinal cord injuries: The impact in a car crash can cause injuries to vertebrae, discs, and the spinal cord itself. Severe injuries to the spine can cause chronic pain and, in the worst cases, lifelong paralysis.
  • Head injuries: Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can be caused by the head violently jolting back and forth in a car crash or hitting an object.
  • Broken bones: Arm, wrist, leg, and ankle fractures can be common in serious car accidents.
  • Internal organ damage: Internal organ damage and bleeding can be grave injuries requiring emergency medical assistance.

 After a rideshare accident, seek medical help as soon as possible. A medical report detailing all injuries from the crash can be crucial for recovering compensation.

Understanding Liability in New York City Rideshare Accidents

Determining liability in ridesharing accidents can be tricky as there could be multiple at-fault parties in your claim, such as:

The Rideshare Driver

If a driver acted carelessly or recklessly during the ride, they could be responsible for the accident and your damages. Negligence can include speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and violating other traffic laws.

The Rideshare Company

A rideshare company like Lyft or Uber might also share liability. For example, the company’s insurance coverage may kick in if your crash occurred while the driver was “on duty” and either transporting passengers or traveling to pick up riders.

Other Motor Vehicle Drivers

If another driver caused the accident, they could be liable for your damages. For instance, a negligent driver might run a red light or stop sign, slamming into the rideshare vehicle you are traveling in.

Determining liability in ridesharing accidents may require a thorough investigation involving the available evidence and consideration of New York laws and regulations. Moreover, rideshare companies may fight claims vigorously to avoid paying for victims’ injuries and financial losses. A New York City ridesharing accident lawyer will try to level the playing field, identify the insurance company responsible for settling your claim, and fight for a fair settlement on your behalf.

Compensation Victims of Rideshare Accidents Could Receive

Since no two ridesharing accidents are the same, there is no average settlement for such claims. Compensation will depend on the specific circumstances of your accident and injuries. However, generally, victims may be entitled to recover economic damages, such as:

  • Property loss or damage
  • Healthcare costs
  • Loss of income
  • Transportation costs
  • Out-of-pocket expenses

If you suffered serious or life-changing injuries in a ridesharing accident, you may also be entitled to non-economic damages, such as:

  • Physical pain and anguish
  • Emotional trauma
  • Disfigurement
  • Disability
  • Reduced life quality

This list is not exhaustive, and you could be entitled to other damages depending on the specifics of your accident.

How a New York City Ridesharing Accident Lawyer Can Help

The aftermath of crashes involving rideshare vehicles can be tough to navigate for victims. Rideshare drivers may lack appropriate insurance coverage for the commercial use of their car and the rideshare company may simply deny responsibility, leaving you out in the cold. Getting what you deserve can be tricky, especially if you suffered life-changing injuries and rely on an adequate settlement to move forward with your life.

However, you don’t have to face a rideshare crash alone. A New York City ridesharing accident lawyer at Panzer Law, P.A. could:

  • Try to protect your rights and offer legal guidance
  • Help assess your damages and determine your claim’s value
  • Organize the evidence and try to prove your claim and damages
  • Communicate with the applicable insurance companies
  • Take your case to trial if necessary

Our New York City ridesharing accident lawyers understand the laws and regulations that apply to rideshare drivers and companies and could try to help you recover what you deserve. Contact us today to discover your options in a free consultation.

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